Moonsight Certified Practitioner & Astrologer Program Now Open. Enrollment Closing In:

The #1 Mentorship Program for SERVICE PROVIDERS Who Want to hedge against economic uncertainty & Scale Their Business to CASHFLOW POSITIVE IN 2025  USING THE POWER OF  ASTROLOGICAL PLANNING.

Stop trading hours for pennies and claim your piece of the 12.8B Astrological Pie in an industry. Join the Moonsight Certification Program and Take My Multi-6 Figure Business & Insert It In Your Own Business. 

For Coaches, Strategists, Managers, Virtual Assistants, Marketers, Designers, Astrologers, Therapists, Consultants and Copywriters who are ready to earn more, work less and stand-out in their field using a Plug n' Play Easy-To-Use Astrological System for client work.  


You love working with clients, well not all clients (because let’s be real, not everyone’s a picnic) 

But when you find ones that make your heart sing, you remember why you went to work for yourself, to begin with. 

Your goal, like all entrepreneurs is finding more of those clients. 

And not just more of those clients, but ones that will actually pay you well , trust your genius and let you work your literal magic in their business.

The Problem? 

Most marketing techniques teach you to go for the 'low hanging fruit'

which sounds easy enough right? 

Except for the fact what they fail to mention is that 

this method not only leaves you with a lot of bruised apples

it also shifts you into near constant 'survival mode' in your business. 

The Larger Market Formula - 

as described in Sabri Suby’s best-selling book ‘Sell like Crazy’ means that ready buyers only make up 3% of the client fish pond...

Which means that most entrepreneurs are leaving 97% of their potential income on the table...what's worse is that everybody and their mother is competing for that lousy 3%... giving you scrappy seconds. And don't even get me started on the fact that some of those 3% have been burned in the past, leaving YOU to clean up the mess.

No wonder it feels like those 'dream clients' are as rare as a 3-horned unicorn.  

The Solution Alluded to by Big-Ticket Business Gurus? 
Work harder, Work Longer & Hustle, Hustle, Hustle. 

But when we read between the lines we see this...

'25% of Entrepreneurs Surveyed Said they Experience Moderate Burn Out, with 3% Indicating it's severe' (and that was pre-2020)
According to a study by Harvard Business Review . And this is in a pool where a majority of individuals reported feeling satisfied in their work and career choices. Entrepreneurial Burn Out Is Reaching Epic Proportions, and shows no sign of slowing down. 
'You should be working 18 hours a day in your business for the first year ...' 
Found on the cover and within the pages of Forbes we read articles quoting influential entrepreneurs such as Grant Cardone, who reports he works a whopping 95 hours per week to keep his business thriving, Gary Vaynerchuk stating that entrepreneurs should be working at least 18 hours a day for the first year of their business, and we all know about Elon Musk and his 70+ hour work week. Online business moguls paint a dire picture of ever getting off the adrenal treadmill.  If they haven't managed to reduce their workload, how can we ever expect to? 
'72% of entrepreneurs self-reported mental health concerns, and 30%  cited a lifetime history of depression...'
As found in a study performed by UC Berkley. They also found entrepreneurs were significantly more likely to report struggling with ADHD (29%), substance use conditions (12%), and bipolar diagnosis (11%). It doesn't sound like 'faking it till you make it' is working so well. 

And this is just the tip of the iceberg

Reading stats like this leaves us little hope that things are going to change anytime in the near future

it doesn't take a genius to realize why it feels like we're at war with our businesses and the majority of our time is spent trying to just 'survive'. 



Why can’t you just do your magic and have that be enough, this marketing yourself stuff should just fall into place if you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, right? 

  • You may have tried running your own ads
  • You have tried hiring a team, coach or OBM to help you implement better systems
  • You have tried improving your elevator pitch (my marketing lingo must not be clear enough!)
  • You have tried creating a course or membership site so that you could free up some time, appeal to low end buyers and create some breathing room
  • You have even tried..posting the loathed ‘value ladder’ post in some rando’s facebook group where your ‘ideal client’ hangs out…

You’re tired. 

So effin' tired.

And to top it all off...

You’re still not free of the matrix in trading time for dollars  (no pineapple drinks with little umbrellas in sight, my amigo) 

Every month or two it feels like you’re back at square one, trying to figure out how to bring in another few thousand dollars - which brings us to #3

You’re stuck in launch-hog-day…having to repeat the same  raggedy marketing methods hoping that one day you’ll get  off the damn treadmill. 

And that's just the problems of the 'surface'....

The truth, and you won't hear this from the gurus, is that these 'problems' are just symptoms... none of them address the key to understanding WHY we're struggling to begin with -

Everything moves in Cycles. Astrologically speaking, both you and your clients have 'productive' periods that waver...

Not to mention periods of intense personal transformation, crisis points, and opportunities for change in direction, and these periods can actually be predicted simply by knowing their approximate age (natal chart not even needed for many of these).

Take a look at the diagram above, the lines above the middle line are peak periods, periods of increased gains, growth, transformation and potentially challenges based on the themes of the planet that's rising upward.

As it crosses back down towards the center line these periods increase in difficulty, where we can expect to meet resistance, and as they progress down further towards the bottom, these are periods of significantly lower energy, where we are finding ways to 'balance'.

Notice the timeline of ages..the classic midlife crisis shows up there with Saturn Opposition Saturn AND Uranus Opposition Uranus and a Nodal Opposition to boot right around that 42-45 year age. This makes some of the most challenging periods are occurring between the ages of 37-54 years of age for everyone, no matter who they are.

How many of your clients are in that age range?

Are you?

At any given time we either have the cycles working for, or against us (when we don't realize they're at work, or the gold they're giving us).

The problems are clear...gurus giving poo-ru advice, and lack of awareness or understanding of astrological timing that strongly influences our energy, capacity, and goals.

This means that your clients (and you) will have different needs, different goals, different challenges, and different levels of awareness of those problems at different times. And while it may seem random, its actually predictable,

So where does that leave us?

Here’s what few people will tell you, and even fewer will listen to: 

You’re not in the business of < your industry here >, you’re in the business of marketing.

  •   EVEN IF you would rather poke your eye out with a plastic spork than put your shingle out to market yourself.

I know this sounds about as cliché as a marketer with a rented lambo, but remember what I said about even fewer listening to...bare with me for just one moment - 

Everyone is in the business of marketing or they don’t have a business. Period. 
There are often THREE main reasons that businesses don’t earn consistent money (and no it’s not your elevator pitch, although I’m sure that always can use some work). 

Let's break them down.  

#1 You have a Hobby,  Not a Business

You took something you loved and you put a dollar amount on it. 

Yes, we can make money from this because hobbies can make money too, BUT they sure as hell don’t make consistent money, they definitely don’t make income you can rely on, and they absolutely don’t scale or build you or your family a future.

If your business is actually a hobby, it’s okay to admit this. 

Not everything we do, we do to make money. For sanity’s sake we need hobbies. It’s also good to ask ourselves if we want it to make money. Sometimes we try to turn our hobbies into businesses to justify the amount of time and money we spend on them, and so we think ‘well this MUST make money for me or I have to stop doing it’. 

Thus a struggling business is born that robs you of your joy in doing the actual hobby and turns it into another responsibility. 

If this is you, don’t worry all is not lost. 

Falling under #1 doesn’t meant that what started off as a hobby 

can’t make a great business, but we’ll get into that later. 

#2 You have a Spiritual/Personal Growth Practice,

Not a Business: 

(Ouch...This one stings, and I know it intimately because it's how my business started) 

You believe deeply in what you do, it has become your soul breath in this life, and you don’t see a separation between you, your spiritual life, and your work. So it only makes sense to merge them right?


While this is a noble cause, it is often the one most fraught with co-dependency, poor boundaries, even poorer income, not to mention client toxicity, burn out, feeling under appreciated and constantly being challenged around your pricing, often with people guilting you into giving your work for free.


The real problem? You see it as a spiritual practice, aka transportation for your purpose first, and not a business.

  • Thus you attract all kinds of spiritual and personal growth experiences to challenge and expand you, but little to no income. Womp, Womp. 

But the truth is, most spiritual people who run their businesses like this don’t make it long, MAYBE their business survives 2 years, 5 years…10 years even.

And all the while it was coasting away on fumes, choking by with little bits of faith-based enthusiasm, through the occasional client thank you, all of which we convinced ourselves was okay because we were doing ‘real work’ in the world, and one day it would all be worth it.

Don’t even get me started on how much quiet anger and resentment this builds, which becomes a whole other issue. 

And this isn’t anything new, I mean, there have in fact been Monks who have whisked themselves away from society to meditate in the mountains for years, believing in exactly these ideals.

Did they help the consciousness of the planet with their self-less service? We’ll never know. 🤷‍♀️

There are no gold stars coming for our struggles and sacrifices, so whether you do it now, or in five years matters not, other than the fact that in the meantime we continue to watch our health, relationships, bank accounts and confidence dwindle down to nothing. 

'But, Vanessa...I just can't be THAT guy...'

I get it there's no shortage of unethical marketing, sleezeball sales tactics and downright sneaky fukkery out there, and if you've been burned by it, everything in you will resist with the power of a thousand magnificent suns replicating that in your own business, or becoming another guru peddling water by the river.  

No sane person would want to put that suit on and lose their voice, compromise their values, or their sanity in the process. 

But if you've found yourself on the other side of the pendulum, where you've swung to the opposite end and you have your integrity intact but you don't have the cash to further your values, and do the work you love, that's not serving anyone either. 

This catch 22 creates the ultimate crossroads, either avoid these sleazy tactics entirely (thus continuing the cycle of broke-ness), or sell your soul.
I believed this too, and I’ll get into that in a moment, but let me just say here, it’s not this or that. 

  • You don’t have to choose, it’s not about soul or no soul. It’s not a choice that’s needed, it’s a paradigm shift in how we view our businesses, and how we run them. Because broke people can't help anyone. 

And that brings us to the third and final reason why a business may struggle to earn consistent income - 

#3 - You chose to start a business around something no one is actually interested in.  

While this is a possibility, I’m going to assume if you’ve been in business for any period of time, and you’ve made some sales this is probably not you

If you are just starting your business, the fastest way to tell if your business falls under #3 is to look around, is anyone else offering a similar service or product? Are they making money doing it? If the answer to both of those questions is yes, then you don’t fall under #3, it’s more likely that you are #1, or #2. In which case, it’s good news, because we have a solution for that. 

*dusts off hands* 

So let’s get back to the brass tacks...

The truth is, there is a lot of slimy business marketing tactics out there, and even more slimy business marketers. But just because you’ve been slimed in the past, doesn’t mean this is the only way you can run a business that makes real money, gives you time off, and builds your future. 

If you've been wracking your brain trying to figure out why your business just isn't earning what it could, or why you can't seem to slim down your work hours and have an actual life even after being in business for years, what I'm about to share with you is going to change everything. 

Hi, I'm Vanessa!  unlikely homeschool mom of 4, psychic medium, turned business coach, turned astrological planning strategist

Bet you didn't expect all those things in one elevator pitch now did ya?

I, like many people, started my business as a way to help people, to make a difference in the world, and to create more time freedom. 

As a busy mom of 4, I wanted to be able to be at home with my children, and not have to struggle to make ends meet trying to survive on my husband’s single income. 

Over the past 7 years I’ve scaled my own business to multi 6- figures working with hundreds of moms, CEOs, freelancers, coaches, therapists, educators, artists and entrepreneurs by helping them build businesses and lives on their terms, using the power of astrological cycles for marketing, launching, social media and planning

As Seen On...

The Unglorious Story of How it All Started...

When I realized that I could transfer my previous career as a psychic medium and clairvoyant over into the coaching world to not just give readings but help support entrepreneurs to make long-term changes in their businesses and lives, I was hooked. 

I still remember the day that I got my first long-term coaching client, and she sent over the signed contract and paid in full $4000 to work with me. 

My entire month’s bills covered in one fell swoop. 

And then I launched my group mastermind, securing another 2 clients at $2000 each. 

It all felt like it was coming together, I could do this! 

  • But then the reality began to creep in, money would come on, only to go out as soon as it arrived, leaving me with months worth of client work ahead and zero cash flow.  Sound familiar? 

My hours were all over the place, my anxiety was through the roof...

and it felt like I couldn’t shut off and just walk away from the computer when 5 o’clock hit.

I was having to constantly market myself, organize discovery calls, and hope that the client would sign up while secretly wishing they didn’t because I didn’t know how I was going to have the time to help them and actually have the time with my kids, which was the original reason I signed up to do this all in the first place!

It was a double-edged sword of the ultimate kind, I couldn’t create more time and yet I needed to so I could make more money, and I needed more money but had no time to earn it.

I wish I could say that I figured out the solution to this quickly, but sadly it was several years later when my stubbornness at juggling it all finally came crashing down on me. 

And that brings us to the 3-Part Solution for Time-Starved, Authentic AF, Too Legit to Quit Service Providers who are ready to change the game...

  • The Triple Burner Method to Working Smarter Not Harder (Aka: How to have literal sunshine coming out your butt)

Template and plug & play the shit out of everything. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, the focus here is on working smarter, not harder. Validate the offer and then sell it over and over again.

I have made the majority of my business wealth selling the same thing, over and over and over again. If you struggle with ADHD or shiny object syndrome, we often fear that we'd get bored doing the same thing, but this is where our creativity really shines, when we can focus on expanding the work and deepening it using our hyper focus we do incredible things. Things people want to buy. On repeat.

This also goes for all the tools you use to generate that cash - sales pages, emails, social media posts, by templating we can cut down on the time required to generate cash in our business, leaving us more time to focus on what we can't fully template when it comes to client work, or creating content. 

Work with the Stars & Build Your Long-term Revenue Content Machine: The Moonsight Planning System works on every aspect of business, from marketing, to launches, to social media, to project management and more, so it only makes sense to use it with clients to manage their social media, marketing, launches, projects and productivity.

Stop the rat race of trying to get your sliver of those 3% of buyers, and instead create your own market, one where you can dominate the market because you're lightyears ahead of your competition. 

Focus on the other 97% of the marketing pyramid through marketing with the lunar zodiac, the 3% is easy, and they’re going to buy no matter what, but that 97% is where long term business stability resides.

The lunar cycle supports growth through meeting the needs of our clients through the cycle. Each zodiac is intimately aligned with a need, when we meet these needs we sell more, create brand loyalty, receive recurring sales and increase retention exponentially.

Because all of your offers fulfill these needs.

Combine your otherworldly skills (tech, systems, launches, social media) with an already operational Cash Cow. 

What makes McDonalds, Starbucks, or Sephora successful with nearly every store opening? They have a proven system that works, that they can then lightly tweak to the community they're entering and easily set up shop. When they open a business they already have customers primed, ready to buy, and can easily insert themselves into the community like a landmark. 

The truth is we don't need to waste years of our lives trying to figure out what works in business, or how to get our businesses making steady cash that covers all our needs and more. We just need to replicate what works in our own businesses. 

These multi-national companies are all about easy money, unlike the struggling business owner, they position themselves where there is ALREADY demand, rather than trying to CREATE it which comes with a high price tag, and very long drought periods in our businesses. 

In the path to creating multiple revenue streams in our businesses occurs we can capitalize on the trustworthiness of another brand, and the demand that their marketing has already generated for the product or service.

You're one person, you don't have the big advertising spend or the massive team that these multinational companies do, but you do have something they don't have - the ability to move quickly and cash in on what they've already created. 

If anything has become more true to me over the past couple of years it's that success is actually a formula, and that by understanding this we can create businesses that make impact while also seeing real ROI in our own bank accounts. It doesn't all have to go downstream. 

  • ​The Triple Burner Method = A Licence Create Financial & Time Freedom

No more guessing how many hours you need to work, and hoping you'll earn enough to cover basic necessities. 

When we leverage these formulas for success and combine it with predictable astrological cycles in our business, we can capitalize on our art and turn it into a repeatable science. 

Get Your Piece of the $12.8+ Billion-Dollar Astrological Pie. 

Hedge the financial future of your business by betting on the industry that has seen a 481% increase in growth and only continues to climb. 

Unlike other industries that took a major hit in 2020, Astrology only continued to soar seeing revenues in just US Astrology Apps of $40M in 2019, not to mention worldwide, at this rate of growth even on the low end we will likely see it hit over $100M in 2022. 

Source: SensorTower

As physical businesses and services were struggling to cover rent, keep the lights on and pay employees over the past 4 years, the online astrology industry has only continued to become a larger juggernaut, and it shows no signs of slowing down. 

Proof? Here's the assessment of Global Astrology Market Growth (note - not just apps).

That's right 12.8 B in 2021, jumping 481% between 2018 and a time when very few businesses were growing, and it's projected to continue to see significant gains. Imagine having an investment that grows 78% in a decade, as that's what its projected to do between 2021 and 2031! Unreal.

To understand why we can look to a 1982 study by psychologist Graham Tyson which showed that when exposed to conditions where high stress and uncertainty were present people turned to astrology as a coping mechanism to make sense of the world, their place in it and the timing of future events. 

With such exponential growth we can only anticipate that into 2025 and beyond especially given the rapid changes to our economies, business trends, currencies, goods, services and political spaces that Astrology will continue to be a 'safe space' for us to find a semblance of stability in. 

Even more so when you know how to interpret these cycles and can guide your clients in their personal lives and businesses using a proven system.

There are few industries that are economically resilient at the moment fortunately for you, Astrology and planning within the Cycles is one of them. 

In an era where the valuation of our currencies is drastically fluctuating, costs of inflation are skyrocketing, food and fuel supply issues continue to mount, and governments reorganize themselves, it's now more important than ever to invest in a business that can continue to grow and offer stability and protection in such a volatile period. 

Just as we would normally invest in gold and silver during periods of economic turbulence, it is more imperative than ever to have businesses that are shock-proof, and can continue to support us and our clients through the rough periods, and offer an opportunity to create a better future. 

The worst thing would be to continue to invest in a business that not only isn't covering its basic costs, but isn't supporting you in the way that you know will be needed. 

There's no better time to get into the Astrological Industry than NOW. 

Utilize the Power of Astrology to Scale Your Service-Based Business into Multi-Six Figures & Beyond.

time freedom, creative breathing room, being  a highly sought out in-demand expert in your field,  the power to command the rates of your dreams, and the ability to say 'no' whenever you want. 

your time to be the ceo and scale has arrived. 

Whether you're a business manager, social media strategist, launch expert, coach, copywriter, va, marketing expert, Astrologer (or want to become one) or combination thereof you need  REPEATABLE system that you can run on AUTOPILOT to get more clients, more cash, and  save your precious eyeballs from peering at a screen all day long. 
One that finally puts an end to  NONSENSE LIKE...



The truth is we can't ever do it all, but we can make what we do a lot easier by using 

a proven framework, validated products, predictable timing and an easy to use template system that slices our work time down in half. 


So that you can reduce your work time by up to 65%, using an easy to follow step-by-step system covering all the major cornerstones of client work from launches, marketing, social media, onboarding, planning and more. No complex or overwhelming astrological jargon or knowledge needed. 


The sweet spot in any successful business is balancing what sells with what you love doing, the hard part? The trial and error it takes to get there which can often take years. Leveraging the success of a brand that has a proven and validated offer can shave years off that trial and error and start making you money right away. 


A unique and cutting edge marketing strategy that just works. Offering a completely custom marketing and launch plan strategy based on the client, their community and their own cycles.  No more being sidelined by low energy, lack of focus, or poor astrological timing. Utilize natural cycles for client business planning.

No need for pats on the back, or gold stars for suffering - 

Now's the time for ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews, booked out calendars, sold out offers and waitlists in the thousands.

+ + + +


+ + + +

Moonsight Certification Program. Yes, really. 

So here’s the deal. For the past two years I have been quietly giving the keys to my business away, mentoring a small container of students to do what I do, giving them my system, and have them make money ethically doing it.

Without the hype, or the fanfare, or the 'sounds nice marketing gibberish' that does nothing for bringing in cash or building a solid resilient business.

And I'm pleased to say, the initial which I intentionally kept small, has allowed me to create the exact keys needed to replicate this system into a variety of other industries.

If you have loved the Moonsight Planning System, and you know the power of using it in your business,  this is a once-in-a-lifetime  opportunity to become Certified as a Moonsight Practitioner or Astrologer and use the system with your clients.

Command your own prices. 

Customize your packages and offers using the exclusivity of the Moonsight Planning System. 

Stand out as an expert in your field by combining your mojo + the Moonsight Planning System into a one of a kind offer. 

Kick 2025 off with a complete system to use for client ads, marketing, launches, planning and strategy. 

My Reasons For Doing This Are Two-fold.

Pssshh...Truth serum time, and I'm not even wasted.

Reason #1:

I’ve had a ridiculous number of people steal the Moonsight Planning System, quite a few of them being past students, who I then had to boot out of my programs, rack up stupid amounts of money in legal fees addressing, and acquire one too many grey hairs on my head over
(I mean I’m only 41 for crissakes).

And that's just the ones I've found so far.

The thing entrepreneurs don't talk about is how often this happens, and no it's not a form of flattery. Ever.

Don't even care if that makes me sound petty, I said what I said.

Now, not only is this a giant headache, what's worse is that it also means that they’re walking around half-cocked with only part of the puzzle, leaving those who hire them to pick up the pieces. I even had someone take the system, remove the Moon (because she thought this would absolve her from plagiarism -ha ) and then suggest by people’s ‘symptoms’ what element they were in. 😳 LOL

I’m not sure how she expected that to work, but desperate people do desperate things.

That kind of desperation, brings us to a moment of truth. We've all been there.

Sometimes the desperation is not knowing what your 'thing' is, sometimes its needing cashflow, or any variety or combination of challenges.

While I don’t condone these actions, I also know that where there is desperation, we have one of two choices, one is to turn to the dark side

OR take it as an opportunity to take a big risk and create something great, to use the Force for good, because feeling trapped in your business, knowing you do great work but struggling to make sales, to differentiate yourself, and to feel a sense of purpose is a slow painful death for any entrepreneur.

The choice however at this moment doesn't mean do something shady, it means take a risk on yourself, to do thing thing you're scared of, think bigger.

We never want to be running our businesses out of desperation.

This brings us to the second reason.

Reason #2

Being the entrepreneur I am, I know that -

1) There’s only one of me and I can’t keep doing this forever, and

2) If people want it bad enough to steal it then I might as well have it be win-win for everyone, offer a certification program around it, show you EXACTLY how to do it, so that the reputation of the brand doesn’t suffer, and that those who go off to offer this service to their clientele can build a sustainable business without any legal, or ethical issues. Plus they'll really help clients because they’ll know exactly what to do and it will be backed by legitimate astrological methods.

I’ve had members in the Moonsight Planning Lab learning this material and successfully applying it into their own businesses for the past 6 years, and an exclusive handful of students I've been mentoring through it through the past 2 years who've given me the five-star seal of approval, so offering it now here to you, only makes sense.

And if you know me, you know that I never half-ass anything, I always, always use my full ass.

So I'm going to make sure this is the best damn certification program you've ever taken. It's fully loaded to the nines, including everything you need to earn to bring in consistent clients and cashflow needed to create a sustainable business.

+ + + +

What's inside

+ + + +

I'm so glad you asked because this program has taken me over 2 years to build.

And its only getting better and better, I give you the exact keys to the kingdom of my business, everything I've done to grow, different ways to apply the Moonsight Planning System, how to use it for coaching containers, launches, content creation, social media, and pretty much every aspect of running a business and helping clients through the lens of astrology.

I'm also acutely aware that how this certification and material will be used will be different depending on YOUR business. And so I've created what I feel is the best program to meet the needs of a variety of industries and goals.

And I've done that through creating 3 pathways to Certification.

Let's take a look at them.



Exclusive program created specifically for coaches, VAs/OBMs, Social Media Marketers, Graphic Designers, Tech Magis, Consultants, Coaches, Copywriters, Advertising Experts, Launch Strategists, and those who want to integrate the Moonsight Planning System to their services, but don't need to go down the full rabbit hole of 'all-things-astrology'.

Those who don't want to do 'chart readings' but want to time their clients offers, products, corporate work, or offer 'astrologically-aligned' services in conjunction with their specializations.

Covers the full Moonsight Planning System from the lens of a service provider (to use within their current skillset).



Exclusively created for Coaches, Therapists, Counsellors, Astrologers, those who want to become astrologers, and those who want to offer in-depth astrological services, including full chart reading for businesses, corporations, individuals, and who want to know the why and the how of astrological cycles for timing of events, electing dates, helping clients with goal setting, choosing social media platforms, picking launch dates, business birth dates, offering business and team compatibility services, market forecasts, for working 1:1 with clients through specific goals, issues and challenges, and offering other in-depth astrological services. Covers the full Moonsight Planning System from the lens of an Astrologer, incl. Moonsight Social, Moonsight Launch.


A unique and cutting edge DUO Certification Track which includes BOTH the Moonsight Astrologer & Moonsight Practitioner Programs, for those who are service providers but also want to add in-depth astrological services and chart reading to their expertise.

While a more rigorous program, you are provided with the material from both the lens of the service provider who has a specific set of skills (copywriter, graphic designer, OBM, Tech Magi, Coach, Consultant, Marketing Strategist, Astrologer) , and an Astrologer. To support you to become a Business Astrologer/ Astrology Expert and to provide strategic and full-indepth offers with a broad range of application in the business and corporate world, witih specialization in the Moonsight Planning System.

what's included

exclusive  CERTIFICATION only content

Custom Modules including in-depth videos, worksheets, and homework which will be graded to insure adequate understanding of the materials. 

moonsight client & social media marketing system

Specialized content focused on using the Moonsight system with and for Clients for marketing, social media, planning, launches and promotions. 

personalized support  &  community

Private exclusive online community and live events for students to share results, ask questions and get support as needed through the program.

listing  in the  moonsight CERTIFIED directory

For all students who graduate the program, you'll be given one year access to the Moonsight Certification Directory, with plus a yearly continuity program to stay up to date. 

income generating pre-done assets & templates

Including a Discovery Call Kit, Social Media Kit, Sales Page Kit, Client Onboarding Kit, Webinar Kit, and Done For You Packages. When you graduate you'll have everything you need to bring in top dollar.

Plug N' Play Branding & marketing   content

No more needing to figure out what to say, creating assets, presentations, or client-facing content. You'll be given pre-done fill-in-the blank and customizable assets for income generation. 

Plus  access in the Moonsight Planning Lab to support your application of the material (1 yr for Practitioners, 2 yrs for Astrologer Track). 

sometimes you don't know if something's right for you until you're in it. That's why i offer a 15-day Money back gUARANTEE

if you're not 100% SATISFIED.

I get it, 15-days doesn't sound like a long period of time, but here's the deal - you're getting access to my life's work with this program. And there are some sketchy mf'ers out there who would literally (I have the receipts) pay for the program, download everything to create their own knock off version and then ask for a refund. Now, I know that's not you, but hey, its the wild west out there, and so rather than give away 7 years of my work to some scammer, or not offer a refund policy at all (which has been my motto up to this point). I'm offering 15-days.

All of the modules are drip fed because I offer live group calls for support for each module as it's released so you can ask any questions, and get help implementing the materials.

With 15-days you'll be able to access Module 1 & Module 2, to see if its' a good fit for you. And if it's not, just reach out to me at [email protected] and let me know you'd like a refund. Full refunds will be provided within 15-days of enrollment into Level 1 of the program. After that there are no refunds available but you'll already know whether its for you or not.

Plus these cash flow bonuses


exclusive moonsight social degree & astro data sheets

The result of 2+ years of research on my part on the astrological data of all the major social media platforms. Exclusive access to these spreadsheets is only available to certification students. Use this data to do client deep dives into not only finding the best social media platforms for them, but also being able to make social media market forecasts, and plan out social media content and launches. (Module 16)

For Astrologer, Practitioner & Master's Tracks.


moonsight forecast report template for clients

What if you could provide an indepth astrological report for clients in a fraction of the time, focused on exactly what they need in their business for the next 3, 6, 9 or 12 months? I've included a 40+ Page Business Astrology Forecast Template for you to plug and play all your client's data and most important dates into, that is literally -fill-in-the-blanks, and will provide you with a high-value service that you can give to clients as a bonus, or build an entire offer around. (Module 13)

Astrologer & Master's Track ONLY.



What if you could give your client their entire marketing plan on a single page, beautifully designed, and help them to break it down content pillar by content pillar? I've got you covered. An easy -fill-in-the-blank spreadsheet that's so much more than just a spreadsheet it helps you both stay on the same page, and align their goals, content and tasks with their cycles. (Module 15)

Practitioner & Master's Track ONLY.


Moonsight cycle planning timeline

Making your client's cycles visible to them, and seeing it all in one place, the points of low energy, the points of high energy or high clarity, and the areas of their life or business where that energy can be best used, on one single beautiful and visual display makes your life easier, and helps your client to plan accordingly. Easy to edit, makes for a high value product or addition to a service you provide. (Module 13)

Included in as a bonus for all tracks (Astrologer, Practitioner & Master's).


moonsight launch personal client calendars

Your client has a launch, and they want you to plan it...what would normally take HOURS, now takes you 15 minutes because you have the Moonsight Launch System in a Google Cal, customized completely to their transits and launch goals. Those dates don't work? No worries, it includes backup dates too! (Module 17)

Bonus for ALL Tracks (Astrologer, Practitioner & Master's)



The Moonsight Planning System also applies to Sales Pages, the prospects needs on a sales page need to be met and the best way to ensure you're doing this is to use the Zodiac, and I've created a Moonsight Sales Page Template just for you. (Module 20)

Included as a bonus for Practitioner & Master's Tracks ONLY.

plus...moonsight digital cal duo, moonsight planner, moonsight cheatsheets (for use with clients), and more....

three paths diverged in a wood, which will you choose?

Certified Moonsight business astrology -

Level 1


One time Payment OR

$333/mth x 3 - Payment Plan

Level 1 - 11 week Program

Includes Modules 1-6

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

3 Month's Lab Access included.

$50 Discount for current Lab Members, $100 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members.

certified Moonsight Astrologer program (Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + RETREAT) complete program



(Payment Plans Available)

Includes Moonsight Business Astrology

Levels 1, 2, Moonsight Astrologer Levels 3, 4 & 5 + 4 Day Retreat Program

Lab Access included for 2 years

50% Affiliate Commission off of Moonsight Products & Memberships.

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

Lab Access included for 2 years

$500 discount for current Lab Members, $1000 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members

Certified Moonsight Practitioner Program (Levels 1, 2, 3 + Retreat)


One- Payment (Payment Plans Available)

Includes Moonsight Business Astrology Levels 1, 2, Moonsight Practitioner Level 3 + 4 Day Retreat Program

Lab Access included for 1 year.

50% Affiliate Commission off of Moonsight Products & Memberships.

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

$500 discount for current Lab Members, $1000 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members.

What's Included in the Program?

I'm so glad you asked!

Below I've listed what's included in each Level for each track.

Level 1

- Practitioner, Astrologer & Masters Track

Module 1

Moonsight Tools

In this module we'll be walking though the Moonsight Planner™, Moonsight Digital Calendar DUO™, the Moonsight Lunar Tracking Wheels™ & The Cosmic Planning Extravaganza™ Cheatsheets for working with clients, what to look for, and how to find what you need.

Module 2
Chart Anatomy

In this module, we'll be diving into the anatomy of a chart, the 4 elements, the 12 zodiac, the houses, how a chart expresses itself, and what to look for as a practitioner.

Module 3
The Moon

In this module we'll be covering all things Moon, from the 8 lunar phases, to the 4 lunar elements, the 12 lunar zodiac, timing and task planning with the moon, productivity cycles, the moon & the public, lunar eclipse windows, the lunar cycle as a project container, moon through the houses and marketing with zodiacal needs.

Module 4
The Sun

In this module we'll be focusing on the solar cycle, the solar transits, solar themes for marketing and goal setting, the solar zodiac, Sun through the houses, the Sun & PR, the soli-lunar cycle, solar eclipse windows and business seasons.

Module 5
The Planets

In this module, we'll be exploring the 8 main planets and Chiron in the chart and how they determine our client's values, investments, unique expression, motivation, wounds, resistance, long-term commitments, communication & thinking style, and how they determine skills, types of business, content creation, marketing approach, types of work and productivity patterns. Begin Planetary Project.

Module 6
The Houses

In this module we'll be focusing on the 12 houses of the individual natal chart and business chart. What do they determine, how can we use them to uncover business information, timing, and marketing cycles. How to locate important business houses.

Level 2

- Practitioner, Astrologer & Masters Track

Module 7
The Aspects & Modalities

In this module, we'll be exploring planetary conversations and 'styles' in both the natal chart, and business chart and, as an introduction to transits, through the usage of qualities (fixed, cardinal, and, mutable) and through aspects (conjunction, square, opposition, trine, and sextile). What type of energy is needed? What needs are being brought to the surface? What is the marketing approach? Is it a beginning, continuing or ending energy? Working with these energies can shift challenges to opportunities, especially in combination with transits, or to understand the basics of a client's chart makeup.

Module 8
The Nodes

In this module we'll be discussing the nodes, their roll in eclipse seasons, and how they determine global trends and changes in markets. How to anticipate future trends through working with the nodes and understanding their messages, and direction. In a client's personal and business chart the nodes and their transits show us where purpose, and fulfillment are gained as well as the past, skills and what no longer serves.

Module 9

In this module we'll be exploring the meaning of Retrogrades in astrology and how they apply to an individual and business chart, as well as how to plan with and track Mercury Retrograde cycles. How to tell the productivity and clarity cycles of a person based on their Mercury Natal Direction.

Module 10
Planetary Timing & Cycles

In this module, we'll be exploring timing with shorter and longer-term planetary cycles, including transits and returns both in business and personal charts, and how they carve the way for personal cycles, generational cycles, and global cycles. What are the major player planets, what are they showing us and teaching us during these cycles, and when to expect challenges, and periods of ease.

Module 11
Forecasting & Ethics

What are the differences between predictions and forecasts? Where does the responsibility lie when working with the deeper psychological aspects of an individual's chart, what are the ethics, and what about the legality? In this module, we'll be discussing a lot about boundaries, ethics, codependency, healthy relationships, and responsibility when it comes to working as a practitioner and astrologer.

Module 12
Chart Assessment

In this module, I'll be sharing a chart assessment demonstrating what to look for as a Practitioner and an Astrologer and going through a checklist that you'll be using to gather the data you need when working with a client's personal or business chart. Begin client chart project work.

Level 3

- Practitioner, Astrologer & Masters Track

Practitioner & Master's Track -

Pick a minimum of two specializations from this level as your electives, and begin project work. You will receive additional certification for EACH specialization you complete.

Astrologer Track (this is actually your 'Level 4', you will do Modules 22 & 23 first, and then come back to these, see diagram below).

Complete each of these programs modules as a requirement of your certification.

Module 13
Moonsight Goal Setting™

In this module, we'll be focusing on Goal Setting with the Zodiac working with the Moon, Mercury, Mars & a couple of other planetary friends to support clients in reaching their goals, by planning their tasks, creating their schedules, and determining business seasons. How to do task planning and/or scheduling with/for a client using the Moonsight Planning System™.

Practitioner Track:

If this is one of your electives - Create a goal-oriented task or schedule plan for a client. (Paid or Free)

Astrologer Track:

Working with Shorter Cycles for Goal Setting with clients.

Module 14
Moonsight OBM™

In this module, we'll be covering Time Management & Project Planning for clients with the Zodiac. Assessing the ideal number of lunar phases, working with Mercury & Mars Cycles for focus and energy management. How to help your client determine when to do what based on current transits.

Practitioner Track:

If this is one of your electives - Break down a project into phases using your client's chart, assessing the number of lunar phases and Mercury & Mars Cycles for energy management.

Astrologer Track:

How to help your client pick the best times and themes for project planning and determine how they manage their time best based on their chart.

Module 15
Moonsight Content™

During this module we'll be breaking down Content Planning & Marketing with the Zodiac - from social media platforms to content types, marketing cycles and evolution through the zodiac, storytelling with the signs, and determining the best dates for marketing activities.

Practitioner Track:

If this is one of your electives - Create a content/marketing calendar for a client using their or their business' chart based on your expertise.

Astrologer Track:

How to utilize astrological cycles and transits to a client or business' chart for marketing and content planning.

Module 16
Moonsight Social™ - Advanced

In this module, we'll be diving deeper into Social Media & the Zodiac and Tech tools & the zodiac, including how to locate the social media houses and best tools using a client's chart, and how to determine the best platforms for a client to be on, and building a zodiac-based community.

Practitioner Track:

If this is one of your electives - create a social media strategy for your client or business using your expertise and their best social media platforms and timing.

Astrologer Track:

Uncovering the Astrology of various social media platforms, their communication styles, and users, and what to look for when advising clients on the best platforms for them.

Module 17
Moonsight Launch™

for Clients

In this module, we'll be focusing on the Moonsight Launch 2.0™ System. Timing using the Zodiac and houses, and how to plan or execute a client's launch using the framework from beginning to end.

Practitioner Track:

If this is one of your electives - create a launch plan for your client or a business using the Moonsight Launch 2.0 System.

Astrologer Track:

The Astrological Mechanics behind a Launch, determining the focal planets and astrological cycles at work, Launch & Promotion Forecasting.

Module 18
Star Brands™

In this module we'll be focusing on Branding with the Zodiac, we'll be talking epic brands and signatures in the chart, the Ascendant, Mercury placements, and transits to determine marketing messaging and style, brand imagery through Venus, Taurus & Libra, and what makes you popular (sun & 5th house).

Practitioner Track:

If this is one of your electives - Through the lens of the ascendant and the brand houses use your design expertise to create a mood board or stylesheet for your client.

Astrologer Track:

Using the charts of famous brands, highlight their placements that reflect their signature styles.

Module 19
Moonsight Sales™

In this module, we'll be focusing on Selling with the Zodiac, creating a 1:1 or 1 to Many sales process via the chart, to use for yourself and your clients. Where do sales happen? How can we use the houses of the chart to generate sales? A discovery call process using the zodiac.

Practitioner Track:

If this is one of your electives - determine your client's best sales approach, potential sales strategy, and times for active selling based on your expertise.

Astrologer Track:

Using your client's chart determine their financial gifts, potential activities, and ways that they are more likely to receive income.

Module 20
Moonsight Sales


(Practitioner & Masters Only)

In this module, we'll be focusing on Copywriting with the Zodiac - Part 1. What are the needs of the signs and how do we focus on this from a copywriting perspective including sales copy

Practitioner Track:

If this is one of your electives - use the Moonsight Zodiac Template to craft a mini sales page for your client using astrology based on your copywriting expertise.

Module 21
Moonsight List Building™

(Practitioner & Masters Only)

In this module, we'll be focusing on Copywriting with the Zodiac- Part 2. What are the needs of the signs and how do we focus on this from a copywriting perspective including evergreen sequences, social media posts, opt-in pages and welcome sequences.

Practitioner Track:

If this is one of your electives - use the Moonsight Zodiac Template to craft a social media series, or welcome sequence for your client using astrology based on your copywriting expertise.

Level 4 & 5

- Astrologer & Masters Tracks ONLY

Module 22
The MoonType™


What does the birth moon mean? How can we learn more about a client, their approach to life, or particular traits using the chart? In this module, we'll be exploring signature styles within a chart and how you can use this in your work.

Using the natal chart we will explore the Birth Moon and MoonType of your client (both individual and business), as well as their more prominent astrological styles.

Module 23
Forecasting Cycles & Returns


In this module, we'll be exploring more intermediate astrological chart reading skills by working with cycles to forecast periods of change, activity, and deeper work. From Conjunctions (Returns) to squares, oppositions, and trines, how to determine prominent periods for a business or individual and how these periods may express themselves using the natal chart.

Module 24
Advanced Techniques 1


In this module, we'll be exploring some more esoteric approaches to astrology, the soul development of an individual or business, and how they evolve over time, as well as how to determine the 'season' an individual or business is in based on progressions.

Module 25
Advanced Techniques 2


How do we work with more than one chart, whether it be the charts of two business owners, or a business owner and their business? In this module, we'll be exploring synastry and composite charts, as well as periods of activation or challenges using midpoints and prenatal

Module 26
Advanced Techniques 3


Do degrees have significance? What about fixed stars or asteroids? In this module, we'll be exploring more advanced topics and stretching our minds and our experiences in working with charts.

This Part of the Moonsight Astrologer Program is still being built.
That means its VERY likely I will add more modules of content in here...and you'll get them for no additional charge upon enrolling + you get to help me build it, catered to exactly what you need and want.

Moonsight Marketing - Live 4 Day Virtual Business Retreat Incubator

- Astrologer, Practitioner & Masters Tracks

You didn't think I'd let you walk away without giving you the keys to marketing your business did you?

Day 1

Branding your framework as a Certified Moonsight™ Practitioner or Astrologer

Day 2

Pricing, Packaging & Offer Stacking.

Day 3

Your Client-Generating Content Model & Renewable Cashflow Business Plan.

Day 4

Q+A, Hot Seats, Certification Exam Prep, and Closing Ceremony

three paths diverged in a wood, which will you choose?

Certified Moonsight business astrology -

Level 1


One time Payment OR

$333/mth x 3 - Payment Plan

Level 1 - 11 week Program

Includes Modules 1-6

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

3 Month's Lab Access included.

$50 Discount for current Lab Members, $100 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members.

certified Moonsight Astrologer program (Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 + RETREAT) complete program



(Payment Plans Available)

Includes Moonsight Business Astrology

Levels 1, 2, Moonsight Astrologer Levels 3, 4 & 5 + 4 Day Retreat Program

Lab Access included for 2 years

50% Affiliate Commission off of Moonsight Products & Memberships.

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

Lab Access included for 2 years

$500 discount for current Lab Members, $1000 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members

Certified Moonsight Practitioner Program (Levels 1, 2, 3 + Retreat)


One- Payment (Payment Plans Available)

Includes Moonsight Business Astrology Levels 1, 2, Moonsight Practitioner Level 3 + 4 Day Retreat Program

Lab Access included for 1 year.

50% Affiliate Commission off of Moonsight Products & Memberships.

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

$500 discount for current Lab Members, $1000 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members.

  • Exclusive Access to My Brain, My System & My Support to Hedge Your Business against Inflation, Build Consistent & Sustainable Revenue Streams and go Cashflow Positive in 2025 and Beyond. 

The Investment Into Your Business Future. 

The truth is, the future is uncertain, many businesses in the past 4 years have had to close up shop, and many serial entrepreneurs have had to get a 'side gig', or put their businesses on hold all together.

Nobody can say for certain what's going to happen, what we can know for sure is that the Unexpected isn't out of the question, and hedging your bets on industries that have not only been able to make it through these unprecedented times, but thrive, and are seen as 'worthy-enough' to be researched by 'big business' is where I'd be putting my money, time and commitment.

While there aren't too many of those industries around, Astrology is one of them. Building an Astrological Business, or Astrology-Adjacent (I'm sure that's a word) Business where people will be turning to YOU to help them plan, grow and invest their time, money and selves is where I'll be building my business, and I invite you to join me.

Today I charge clients $12,000 for a year of light touch private coaching, and $25,000 for more intimate 1:1 support through high-end launches. 

While I have personally paid over $80,000 for coaching, program support and training in the past few years to scale my business to where it is, I know that most entrepreneurs and service providers are not at a place where they can do that. 

And I know that I could charge a lot more for this program, essentially I’m giving you the keys to the kingdom, my business kingdom, a working business model, with licensing rights to make unlimited income by being apart of a small handful of people certified in this system, I’ve decided to make the program a reasonable price so that it’s attainable even if you’re just in the early stages in your business, or have been sidelined by the past few years, but not so low so that I undermine my own commitment, and so that I can give you the intimate support you need through the program to build a sustainable business as a Moonsight Certified Practitioner or Astrologer (or both). 

Regardless of how much sweat equity we’ve put into our businesses we will always hit a threshold where we cannot continue to get paid in ‘experiences’, where we run out of hours in a day, and this is usually the point where an entrepreneur realizes that without making an legitimate investment into their business they won’t be around for much longer, and not having enough clients isn’t always the issue.

Sometimes it’s because they run out of hours, because they need help, because they’re being underpaid and overworked, they’re constantly competing for that 3% because they haven’t differentiated themselves enough from their competitors, or because they can’t cut their expenses any further and they just need more real money flowing, because bills will be bills. 

Often this looks like: 

  • Paying $1000s of dollars out in Facebook ads, to try and position themselves in front of eyeballs, but if their offer isn’t clear, it’s unvalidated, or they sound like everyone else in their market, they don’t make the sales they want, or the ROI isn’t enough to justify continuing to pay out the ass for ad spend.

  • Paying $100,000's in courses, mentorships, formulas, and memberships trying to get ahold of pieces of the puzzle and somehow make it make sense for your industry, and in your own voice. (but they never do, do they?)

  • A butt-load of moolah on lost missed opportunities because you’re run too ragged to have the capacity to take on or even plan for additional growth opportunities, PR, new clients, books, podcasts, interviews, or combination thereof because you.just.don’t.have.time.

  • Spending 10s of hundreds of hours doing client work, that could be streamlined with a better system, but because you have to keep working with clients, you don’t have time to create the system that could get you out of this mess. Have a life..what’s that?

  • And let's not even get started on the time away from family, our children, missed relationship opportunities, taking weeks to respond to messages from friends, the health effects of being stationary in front of a computer all.the.time, all the unpaid work we dedicate to try and build a business that turns into nothing, the failed launches and so on and so on. 

There are few moments in life we look back on with absolute certainty, knowing that moment was the moment our entire life changed. 

Your mentorship and enrollment in the Moonsight Certification Program costs between $8000-$13000 depending on the path you choose....or there is a payment plan option of as low as $333/mth

If you are currently enrolled in the lab you get a $500 discount (prorated depending on your plan) and if you are an Unlimited member that discount jumps to $1000 off. 

Now you don’t have to enroll now, or even ever, but if you’re still reading this I can guess that you either you knew right away that this was for you and you’ve just been waiting for me to give you re-assuring nudge...

And if that’s the case click below, and I'll see you on the other side :)


If you're still reading and haven't 

clicked that button...

That leaves us with the second scenario which is that you feel completely stuck and overwhelmed.

You’ve invested a lot of sweat equity in your business and you’re stubborn as a bull, you’ve probably bought into the mantra that if you just keep pushing eventually you’ll have a breakthrough.  

But the question is can your stubbornness fuel you until that moment comes? Maybe it happens tomorrow, or next week, or next month but it may also be 6 months, a year, or more away. That’s the thing with breakthroughs and ride r’ dieing it in your business, we never really know.

We can keep pushing through hoping that something clicks and praying that it happens before we break down, or you can look at this next stage of your business as an investment stage.

And when we think like investors, we realize that:

1) We can leverage someone else's knowledge, and experiences and shortcut the time for ourselves. 

2) We don’t have to do everything ourselves, and we sure as hell don’t have to do it alone

3) We think in terms of ROI, will the time and money and mental space I extend to this pay me back, and if so when.

The question is are you ready for the ROI? 

Are you ready to have your business and hard-earned work pay you back?

You can keep investing in your business without a clear payout plan or you can enroll today for the Moonsight Certification Program

The Moonsight Certification Program means that within a measurable period of time (12-18 months) you’ll have a working business with clear unlimited income-generating potential, using a proven framework that you’ve seen work literal magic in your own business, plus all the support and mentorship you need to grow that business. 

If you feel like this is your time to grow your business into 2025 and beyond using a proven platform and brand, I’d love to work with you. 

three paths diverged in a wood, which will you choose?

Certified Moonsight business astrology -

Level 1


One time Payment OR

$333/mth x 3 - Payment Plan

Level 1 - 11 week Program

Includes Modules 1-6

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

3 Month's Lab Access included.

$50 Discount for current Lab Members, $100 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members.

certified Moonsight Astrologer program (Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 + RETREAT) complete program



(Payment Plans Available)

Includes Moonsight Business Astrology

Levels 1, 2, Moonsight Astrologer Levels 3, 4 & 5 + 4 Day Retreat Program

Lab Access included for 2 years

50% Affiliate Commission off of Moonsight Products & Memberships.

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

Lab Access included for 2 years

$500 discount for current Lab Members, $1000 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members

Certified Moonsight Practitioner Program (Levels 1, 2, 3 + Retreat)


One- Payment (Payment Plans Available)

Includes Moonsight Business Astrology Levels 1, 2, Moonsight Practitioner Level 3 + 4 Day Retreat Program

Lab Access included for 1 year.

50% Affiliate Commission off of Moonsight Products & Memberships.

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

$500 discount for current Lab Members, $1000 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members.


I can’t thank Vanessa enough!” Before I started the Moonsight Practitioner with Vanessa, I had absolutely no idea of how to best organize all of the information into tangible steps on getting my business organized. I felt lost and overwhelmed with the business side of my life let alone trying to decondition my hustle mentality… After working through this program, I have been able to organize not only my life and business strategies but also my clients. I can’t thank Vanessa enough for sharing her time and knowledge with us on this journey. It truly has been an absolutely amazing experience!

- - TIFFINEY SILVESTRI, Moonsight Certified Practitioner & Astrologer Program

I came to astrology via Human Design. At some point I wanted to learn more about the lunar cycle and ended up with Vanessa. The way she imparts knowledge inspired me.I still remember well when she spoke about her new offer “certified moonsight program” in a webinar and I immediately knew that I HAD to do it. I haven't regretted my decision for a second. I've already completed a few courses in my life, but I've never been so happy, willing to learn and enthusiastic about it.

I often offered what I had learned in workshops. In this way, I have deepened my knowledge and at the same time built up a new group of clients who are interested in astrology and natural cycles.Vanessa goes into depth in her knowledge transfer, superficial things are not her thing. I didn't miss a single call during the whole time and was inspired and motivated every time. I learned a lot about myself, my business AND my clients. Vanessa's program is by far the BEST investment I've made so far.

If you are interested in intuitive astrology with a lot of depth, joy, ease and commitment, then you are in the very best hands with Vanessa!

- - DENISE SONDEREGGER, Moonsight Certified Practitioner & Astrologer Program

"I've been in the Moonsight Planning Lab for quite some time, and (now in the Moonsight Certification Program) I can recommend this program without reservation. The quality of instruction and materials in the certification program is top-notch. Vanessa goes above and beyond to provide support, templates, and guidebooks that I know I will use as an astrologer for many years to come.

Her keen insights and the way she encourages us to be ourselves and utilize our own inner wisdom with her framework is invaluable. The templates available are phenomenal, making it almost a plug-and-play system where you can put your own spin on it. This foundation is crucial for me as I integrate astrology deeper into my business.

If you're thinking about bringing astrology into your own life or sharing it with clients, I highly recommend this program. It provides all the tools you need to support both yourself and your clients with a wide range of options. You get to choose your specializations, and everything builds upon itself with Vanessa by your side. She is an integrous coach, caring person, and goes above and beyond in her support.

I feel so grateful and blessed to have found this program and to continue learning with her. Don't hesitate—dive in! It's definitely an opportunity worth stepping into if you're looking to further your education, understanding, and business using astrology."

- - SHERI MOISE, Moonsight Certified Practitioner & Astrologer Program.

I joined the Moonsight Planning Lab™ because I was ready for my first 10k month. I was terrified of launching my program. What if I can't be consistent? What if my content was not in alignment with who I wanted to serve? As a mother of 11 with ADD I knew I had to use a system that left no room for failure. I just had my first 6k month(was just making $600 a month a few months ago)! The systems, support, and accountability I receive in the lab is incredible! My business is never exhausting and I'm never confused about what I'm supposed to do next. The best business investment I’ve ever made.

- - FELISHA DECOMPAIN-ROGERS, Member Moonsight Planning Lab

There is  no product or service that I've engaged in my business that has provided as much ease, grace and results as learning to plan to the moon. It's another level of being seen and heard by the Universe, and we get to do it together in a lovely group, lead by a lovely leader, Vanessa. Since being in The Lab  I've had my best month ever in my business, my best January ever in my business and have completely reorganized my offerings to be in alignment with my truest expression. I'm letting my essence and energy lead the way versus trying to figure it out with my head or hustle.


Before I joined Moonsight planning, my business was not making any good money. I had ideas, was confused and insecure about how to make the money I need. I needed guidance and the lab was exactly what I was looking for. I already work with the moon but didn't know how to use it for business planning. 

Once I started implementing the Moonsight planning everything changed for me. I started posting on days that flow with my energy, I learned how to organize my task in cycles. Finding out my ideal customer by looking into the houses, gave me relief and brought in opportunities for my business. 

Last April I made $400 teaching my online foraging course. I joined the lab in June and as of this month September 2020 I made $3095. 

I am very happy this is my biggest revenue since I started my business. I was Shocked and overjoyed when I checked my account and I saw $3095. It helped boost my confidence and reassured me that I'm on the right path. This is the only system that helped me make progress with my business. 

- - JOURNEI BIMWALA, E.O.C.O NATURE CLASSROOM, Member Moonsight Planning Lab


three paths diverged in a wood, which will you choose?

Certified Moonsight business astrology -

Level 1


One time Payment OR

$333/mth x 3 - Payment Plan

Level 1 - 11 week Program

Includes Modules 1-6

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

3 Month's Lab Access included.

$50 Discount for current Lab Members, $100 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members.

certified Moonsight Astrologer program (Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 + RETREAT) complete program



(Payment Plans Available)

Includes Moonsight Business Astrology

Levels 1, 2, Moonsight Astrologer Levels 3, 4 & 5 + 4 Day Retreat Program

Lab Access included for 2 years

50% Affiliate Commission off of Moonsight Products & Memberships.

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

Lab Access included for 2 years

$500 discount for current Lab Members, $1000 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members

Certified Moonsight Practitioner Program (Levels 1, 2, 3 + Retreat)


One- Payment (Payment Plans Available)

Includes Moonsight Business Astrology Levels 1, 2, Moonsight Practitioner Level 3 + 4 Day Retreat Program

Lab Access included for 1 year.

50% Affiliate Commission off of Moonsight Products & Memberships.

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

$500 discount for current Lab Members, $1000 Discount for Moonsight Unlimited Members.


Do I need to be a launch strategist, coach, OBM/VA, marketing expert, Astrologer or social media specialist to apply?

For the Practitioner Track this program is specifically for experts who already know their market and niche who wish to add the Moonsight Practitioner qualification to the work they are already doing. I do not 'teach' copywriting, OBM, coaching or other types of specializations in the program, the goal of the program is to imbue your current qualitifications (in your industry) with astrological application.

For the Astrologer Track, no previous astrological experience is needed, this program will give you a very well rounded education in business astrology.

If you are looking to add astrological planning services to your work especially in a business capacity, this is a one-of-a-kind program.

What does the certification process look like?

There will be modules released every 2 weeks, you will be given a small quiz and possibly a homework assignment to submit to show that you understand the materials and can apply it. 

Half the program will be dedicated to core content with the other half focused on application. There  will be a final exam however it will be open book (your previous homework will have demonstrated your competency. Once you have completed all of levels, the homework, the final exam and the retreat, you will be considered certified and will be provided documentation and your cashflow materials. 

If you are starting with enrolling in level 1, level 2 enrollment will be offered to you towards the end of your level 1 program completion for you to move forward in your certification process.

Is there a payment plan available?  Do I receive any discounts being a lab member?

Yes, we have payment plans depending on the path you choose (starting with level 1, enrolling in the full Moonsight Practitioner or full Moonsight Astrologer Programs, or the Masters (duo certification program). These plans can be found above on the check out page.

 If you are a current and up-to-date lab member you will receive a  $500 credit towards your tuition, if you are an Unlimited Member you receive a $1000 credit towards tuition.

These discounts can be deducted in full if you are signing up for the full program in one of the tracks, or a pro-rated discount applied if you are starting with Level 1 (ie - $50 off Level 1 if you're in the lab, or $100 off Level 1 if you're in the Unlimited Program)

How long is the program? When can I expect to complete it?

Depending on the track you choose the completion time can vary.

For Level 1 the program can be completed within 11 weeks.

For Level 2, the program duration is 12 weeks,

Level 3 is 6 months for Practitioners and Astrologers but 12 months for the Masters Program,

Levels 4 & 5 (for the Astrologer and Masters Program) are 12 weeks each.

All in all for each program the estimated completion time will include the release of the assigned modules plus your time to complete the quizzes, homework and projects, plus the final examination (which is open book).

The estimated program timeframe for each of the programs is as follows (if each level is done consecutively with no gaps in between):

Certified Practitioner Program - 12 Months
Certified Astrologer Program - 18 Months

Certified Masters Program - 2 years.

What happens if I miss a call, or I'm late on submitting homework due to a family situation or other circumstances?

In order to support you moving through the content and answering any relevant questions as they come up,  we highly recommend that you do not sign up if you don't think you can complete the materials  within the container. If something unexpected comes up there will be an opportunity for a make -up period towards the end of the program. 

How many hours a week do I need to dedicate to the program to complete it? 

I am estimating  3 hours a week to go through the materials and an additional  1 hour or so for homework , with some weeks being slightly more, and others being less. I would  plan for 10-15 hours a month  in your schedule to complete the program.  Some  may be less if the training is not as intensive, and other weeks where you are studying for your exam, or  bigger projects you may want to allot more time. 

Do I need to be well versed in astrology or the Moonsight Planning System to enroll? 

While it can be beneficial if you have some working knowledge, been  in the lab, or taken some of my other trainings it is not necessary to  have  any background or understanding in astrology to enroll in the program as the materials will be very thorough  to guide you through the  content. 

Will this program allow me to draw charts for clients and do in-depth readings? 

While this program does rely on your chart and your client's charts to gather information to apply to the system, only the Moonsight Astrologer program will be going indepth into chart study. If you are interested in   working as an astrologer, I recommend applying to the Moonsight Certified Astrologer Track (both tracks start with the same level 1 & level 2).

There will be collaboration opportunities between practitioners and astrologers in the program to work together, to have the astrologer draw the charts and give  an in-depth reading and then provide details to the practitioner to apply with clients 1:1. 

What happens if I want both the practitioner track and the astrologer track?  Is there a discount if I want both?

I've created a Moonsight Masters Program, which includes both the Moonsight Practitioner and Moonsight Astrologer programs in a dual certification track. This program is very indepth and should you wish to go that route, there is a savings (as each program on their own when combined would be higher priced).

You can enroll at the checkout above.

What will this program allow me to do in terms of copyright and licensing? 

This  program will provide you with the skills to use the Moonsight Planning System, Moonsight Launch System, Moonsight Social System,  Moonsight  Sales System with Clients  under the Moonsight Brand. 

In order to maintain the integrity of the brand you will be provided with graphics and an outline of how the materials can be used. 

This does not provide you with the licensing rights to create your own planner or lab, or to call yourself the creator of the system, the names of the system will need to be maintained for copyright reasons, but it does give you expert status in being one of the small few qualified to  use the system with clients and generate an income using the materials, trademark and system. 

What if I'm not ready to enroll yet will you be offering this again?

Yes I will be offering it again, likely at the end of September or January 2025, however it will depend on spots available.

Are there any ongoing fees in order to remain certified? 

There will be a continuity program  available after you complete your certification, which will include access to the Moonsight Planning lab and all upgrades to the membership, as well as ongoing content available only to those who are certified. . 

This will also provide you with a listing on our certified practitioner and astrologer directory. 

The fee for this will be $500/year. 

How can I earn income from getting certified? 

You will be given cash flow assets  and a suggested price range (however you are welcome to raise or lower this amount how you see fit).  

These assets will include discovery call kits, onboarding kits, coaching kits, webinar kits, social media kits and launch kits. 

The fees you can charge for these services can range anywhere between $47  - $25,000 or more, you decide. 

You will also receive 50% of all sales you generate  for clients joining the Moonsight Planning Lab and any digital sales  from  

Can I purchase the levels seperately? If so how much are they?

Yes. Depending on your Track here are prices of the levels. Payment plans are available for each level, or upon enrollment for one of the full program tracks.

Level 1 (all tracks) $997 USD
Level 2 (all tracks) $2000 USD

Level 3 (all tracks) $3500 USD
Level 4 (astrologer & masters only) $1500
Level 5 (astrologer & masters only) $1500
4-Day Retreat (all tracks) $1500

Discount for the Masters program however is only offered by enrolling in the program upfront (payment plans are available).

Enrollment openings for these levels will vary, and be offered at different times. However upon enrolling in either Level 1, or the entire program (either practitioner, astrologer, or masters), you will be automatically invited to join us in the next level, spots available will be offered to those who are currently enrolled in the program in a pre-req level.

Can't I just take an astrology course or certification program and do the same thing? 

There are some really great astrology courses out there and some schools also have their own certification programs. 

They will teach you the psychology behind the planets, longer term cycles, and how to read a chart, but what they cannot teach you is the Moonsight Planning System, which is the first planning system of its kind in the world for Business Planning  using Astrological Cycles, Elemental Productivity Periods,  House-Based Marketing, Social Media Astrology and   the Moonsight Launch System. 

In fact there are only a small handful of business astrologers in practice in the world, and even fewer books or courses on practicing business astrology.

This is a one-of-a-kind program, making you a one-of-a-kind expert. 

The Moonsight Certification Program offers the most complete, thorough and proven astrological planning system  for working with clients  and businesses. 

Program Schedule: 

When does the program officially start?  And what day/time do the calls occur? 

Our Kick Off Call will be  Friday, July 19, 2024 at 10 am PT/1pm ET/6pm UK time.

The first module will be available to you right away. The second module will be released on July 22, 2024.

New Modules will be released every other Monday. 

The group calls and Q+A's will fall on the Friday of the  following week. 

For example: 

Module 2 Release: Monday, July 22, 2024

Group Call & Q+A : Friday , August 2, 2024

Module 3 Release: Monday, August 5, 2024

Group Call & Q+A: Friday, August 16, 2024

Call times will be  10am Pacific/ 1pm Eastern

Homework (if applicable) will be due   the day before the Group Call & Q+A (Thursday). 

A full schedule will be  provided upon enrollment. 

Is there a time limit to complete the certification?

Yes, upon enrollment either in full in any of the tracks, or in any one of the individual levels, there is a deadline window of 3 years to complete the program (and all levels) from start to finish in order to attain your certification.

If you are unable to do so, we may offer you an option to re-enroll for a small fee.




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